The European Green Deal sets the goal of climate neutrality for 2050. In short, by that time the world economy should be able to abolish greenhouse gases, which are dangerous for the environment and man, from its productive activities.
The date seems distant, but it is not so much. And in order not to be faced with heavy sanctions or with a stop to production, companies should start thinking already today about their ecological transition and how it is possible to reduce CO2 emissions from their activities.
For those who work in the food sector, the challenge becomes even more pressing. Being a commodity of first necessity, food will always have a market. But it is very likely that over time consumers are increasingly turning to “virtuous” companies, those with a solid commitment to green and a recognized transparency, which are therefore able to comply with directives for the protection of the environment. People are already more likely to buy from companies that declare (and prove) their commitment to reducing their impact on the planet. How? For example, by disseminating real data about the green decisions they make throughout the supply chain.
In short, it is essential that industries start to take action as soon as possible to reduce CO2 emissions related to their production. And for food the task is arduous, since according to the journal Science this sector is responsible for about a third of the total emissions of greenhouse gases worldwide, because of the way food is produced, transported and consumed.
So how can you reduce your food company’s CO2 emissions? Here are three tips that you can put into action as soon as possible to not be found unprepared.
1. Exploiting renewable energy
They are cheaper and less polluting than many other solutions, and are becoming more and more common. Equipping ourselves with industrial plants to try to provide for its energy needs in a more autonomous and less polluting way today is no longer impossible, and more and more companies do.
2. Focusing on the electric
A compressed air machine can generate a lot of CO2. Not to mention that the yield of this type of plant is close to 30% of the energy used. It is a technology that therefore produces polluting machinery and that in the long run can also become particularly expensive.
An electrical solution eliminates the emissions related to the operation of the pneumatic cylinder. Do you think they are few? In fact they can reach up to 12 tons in a year.
3. Spreading the culture of sustainability
Unfortunately, there are still many people who consider it pointless to work to reverse the route of greenhouse gas pollution. So it is up to each of us to try to spread the idea of the urgency and importance of engaging in the first person.
For companies to make green choices is an important position, which is able to have resonance on many people.
Choosing partners who are committed to producing sustainable solutions is a way to ensure a virtuous supply chain in all its steps.
The food industry has the task of preserving the welfare of people in two ways: first feeding them, which is its primary purpose, but today also trying to make compatible the production of food and respect for the environment.
At RL Automatic Industrial System we have created a greener solution for packaged food companies: our full electric automatic shrinkwrapping and wrapping machines do not have a pneumatic cylinder, so they allow you to eliminate from your production all emissions related to the use of compressed air.
From our thirty years of experience in the field of automation we have obtained the knowledge necessary to design and build highly customized industrial plants able to respond accurately to the needs of businesses. We are so confident of our full electric automatic case packers and shrinkwrappers that we also offer them with the try&buy formula, zero risk for the company.
Want to know more? Contact us now without obligation!