What facilities can you request in 2023 to buy a full electric automatic machine?

The best way to give an extra boost to your production is surely to equip yourself with better machines and tools. However, at a time like the present, characterized not only by increases (almost) uncontrolled energy costs and prices of raw materials but also from a background uncertainty on the international level are many companies that are afraid to make important investments.

But unfortunately if you do not innovate there is a risk of lagging behind the market. For example, in the food sector, it is essential to ensure continuous production and high quality standards not only for the product but also for its packaging. And investing in the updating of your fleet is essential precisely at times when the competition becomes more ruthless and the market registers difficulties, because you risk being overcome by the most performing competitors.

Can you innovate your company and save money at the same time? Of course, taking advantage of state incentives.

Here comes Transition 4.0

The 2023-2025 tax credit is called Transition 4.0 and was created to extend the tax relief model launched in 2017 for innovative interconnected goods. In practice, Transition 4.0 is the direct heir of Industry 4.0. Compared to its predecessor, the fundamental difference is that it is no longer an over-depreciation but a tax credit. Consequently, the tax advantage for companies that invest in the innovation of their machinery is calculated as a percentage of the purchase cost of the machinery.

How can you get the Transition 4.0 tax credit? First, this incentive applies to the purchase of interconnected capital goods, both tangible and intangible. And for purchases of machinery made from 1 January 2023 to 31/12/2025 you can get the following tax credits:

  • The 20% of the cost of the good for purchases until 2,5 million euros
  • 10% of the cost of the good for purchases from 2,5 to 10 million euros
  • 5% of the cost of the good for purchases between 10 and 20 million euros.

There is also the possibility to extend the purchase of the complete good up to 30/06/2026 and still use the tax credit: it is necessary in this case that at 31/12/2025 a deposit of 20% of the total cost has been paid.

The tax credit is not taxed for the purposes of IRPEF, IRES and IRAP, it is granted as a compensation on F24 in three annual instalments and is also cumulative with other facilities provided not to exceed the established cost limits. It is also possible for companies to take advantage of the credit already from the year in which they purchase the machinery.

So if your company is resident in Italy and the machines you buy will always be operational in Italy, requesting the benefits of Transition 4.0 can help you innovate your business and make it grow. For companies operating in the food industry, and in particular in the production of dry pasta, aiming for an automatic full electric solution for the packaging of your product can be a winning choice at this time: not only do you get access to dedicated incentives, but you can also significantly cut the energy costs of production.

For example, RL Automatic Industrial System’s automatic electric shrinkwrapping and case packer machines do not require energy throughout the movement of components. This allows them to save energy compared to compressed air solutions, even when they are on standby. The energy saving is reflected in a continuous and constant saving of money in the bill, which allows the company a return faster than the investment.

RL Automatic Industrial Systems is the only company that designs and manufactures automatic machines with electrical and non pneumatic components for the food industry. We have over thirty years of experience in the fields of automation, precision mechanics and industrial plant design and construction, and we are so confident in the performance of our plants that we offer you the flexibility of the try&buy formula for your new machinery. We personalize the commercial offer, we design and manufacture your custom machine, and you have all the time to try it to decide whether to buy it.

Want to know more? Contact us now!


Does the customization of shrinkwrappers and case packers really pay off?

On the market today there are plants and machinery of every type and every price, which meet the most disparate needs and guarantee a wide range of performance. The standard solutions are not lacking in the field of automatic packaging machinery, in particular between shrinkwrapping machines and box packers of the latest generation.

With such a wide and diversified offer of solutions, does it still make sense to choose custom solutions when you want to equip yourself with a case packer or a shrinkwrapper for the packaging of food products? Can custom machines and systems really make a difference to your production? Is it really worth buying one?

The answer is yes, for several good reasons. Let’s see them together.

Why a custom car lasts longer

When you choose to rely on a partner who designs a custom packaging machine for you, you are making a far-sighted choice. In fact, a machine or plant designed to your needs will have a longer life than that that can guarantee a standard solution.

This is due to the fact that the custom solution, being designed exactly according to your needs, will not be used improperly, which very often causes faster wear and malfunctions that can lead to machine downtime (or even irreparable damage).

A shrinkwrapper or an automatic case packer designed specifically for your company is designed to guarantee the performance you require in the exact conditions in which it will operate. And if by chance these should change, over time you can integrate its functions by adding new ones, provided that you rely on a partner able to design a scalable machine for you. This feature will allow you to upgrade over time your shrinkwrapper or your case packer when they start to give signs of obsolescence, because custom solutions lend themselves not only to integrations but also to revamping.

Finally, a custom automatic machine guarantees you on average a level of assistance higher than that offered by a standard solution, protecting you from the risk that any critical issues will not be resolved in a short time and can be transformed, because of the time that passes, in irreparable damage. You can therefore also save on maintenance, as well as the costs of downtime.

Format changes are more efficient

With a custom automatic machine you can optimize the time even in case of production reconfigurations, because the system is realized with a flexible approach ad hoc for what may be your needs.

Tailor-made design allows you to get the most out of your machinery by relating it to the product you need to make, your operating spaces, the precise needs of your company. In short, it takes performance to the highest possible level for your situation, and you don’t have to adapt to the maximum performance of a pre-defined machine.

Whether it is an ordinary format change linked to your production cycles or the introduction of a new format in your production line, with a shrinkwrapper or a custom case packer you will be able to handle both situations in a simpler and more efficient way than the one that guarantees you the standard solutions.

Energy costs are lower if you choose full electric!

Probably if you choose to invest in a custom automatic packaging machine you will have to expect a higher initial cost than that required by a standard machinery. But this should not scare you, because the right solution can allow you to return the investment faster!

A shrinkwrapping machine or a full electric automatic case packer machine can guarantee a real energy saving compared to pneumatic cylinder solutions. This is because the full electric does not require energy during the entire arc of the movement of its components. The energy cost of a compressed air machine can be from 30% to 60% higher than that of a fully electric automatic machine, and the impact on bills is therefore significantly different.

Equipping your company with a custom and full electric automatic packaging machine can be a competitive advantage, because it protects you from the risk of malfunctions, allows you to optimize your productivity and also save on electricity bills.

RL Automatic Industrial System automatic shrinkwrapping and case packer machines are chosen by companies operating in the food sector, in particular in the dry pasta sector, precisely because they allow them to revolutionize their production system and to work in a simpler, faster and more critical way.

Do you want a custom solution that takes your company’s performance to the next level? Let’s talk about it: we have over thirty years of experience in the automation industry and in particular in solutions for the food industry, so we can find the perfect solution for you.

Contact us now without obligation!


How to make food stuffing more sustainable

Consumers are increasingly choosing sustainable products. In our country, for example, the Green Observatory led by Compass reported that in 2022 the issue of sustainability was reported as a priority by 48% of Italians in determining their purchases. Not only that, 80% of respondents said they were willing to pay more to make sure products are eco-sustainable. How much more? Even up to 20%, for 7% of the sample.

This means that to be sure of having a market today, producers of goods of any kind must make an important effort towards greater sustainability for their work. And when it comes to nutrition, the sustainability of the product is immediately associated by the consumer with its higher quality.

Beyond the choice of ingredients and production systems, packaging also plays a leading role in determining how green a food product is. For large retailers, such as dry pasta packages that need to be packed with shrinkwrapping machines, is it possible to find solutions that reduce the environmental impact of packaging?

Fortunately, the answer is yes.

A full electric automatic shrinkwrapper is a green choice

Industrial compressed air filling machines can generate up to 12 tons of carbon dioxide in a year. This is due to the energy required for the operation of the pneumatic cylinder, which is not present in full electric solutions.

An electric automatic shrinkwrapper in fact completely eliminates the emissions related to the operation of the cylinder: in practice, by switching to such a solution it is possible to avoid producing the 12 tons of CO2 per year that are generated by the use of a compressed air machinery.

In addition, full electric machines for filling produce less waste to be disposed of, because on average the pneumatic components wear out in three months and must be replaced, which is not the case in solutions without a pneumatic cylinder. And even the use of polluting oils to lubricate the parts in continuous motion is zeroed, eliminating the need to dispose of this type of waste.

Finally, a full electric automatic shrinkwrapping machine is also able to guarantee a considerable energy saving compared to a compressed air machinery: the latter in fact can offer a yield equal to about 30% of the energy used, while with an electric solution you can reduce consumption by up to 60%.

Even the film counts

To make food stuffing more sustainable, it is also possible to choose green packaging materials: in fact, there are more and more biodegradable and compostable films compatible with the latest generation shrinkwrapping machines. And research in the field of this type of materials is in constant turmoil.

For single-use plastic made of organic polymers of synthetic origin, a Plastic Tax of a fixed value of 0.45 euro cents per kilo sold is expected from 2024, to be borne not only by the manufacturer but also by those who buy and use it for their work. The new film solutions produced from recycled plastic, 100% recyclable, biodegradable and compostable to be used for shrinkwrapping machines are therefore an illuminated choice both from an ecological and an entrepreneurial point of view.

Equipping your company with a custom and full electric automatic machine for the packaging of food products is concretely a competitive advantage, because it not only allows you to optimize your productivity and save on electricity bills, but it ensures you work more sustainably. A value that you can share with your audience, and that will make you appreciate more and more even from that group of consumers willing to pay even 20% more to be sure to buy green.

Want to work more sustainably and improve your productivity?

The RL Automatic Industrial System automatic shrinkwrapping and wrapping machines are the result of over thirty years of experience in the automation sector and in particular in solutions for the food industry.

Contact us now without obligation and find out what we can do for you!


The advantages of 3D design for shrinkwrapping machines and case packers

Have you ever thought about how much a design error can cost you for your industrial machinery? In the case of shrink wrappers and case packers for the food sector, for example, a solution that is not suitable for the processing to be carried out can turn into a real nightmare that makes you lose production hours and, consequently, important orders.

Choosing a custom machine is the best way to make sure you get the most out of your productivity and have all the features you need, adapting the shrinkwrapper or the case packer to the spaces you have available, also facilitating the work of the operators.

But to ensure all this, it is essential that the machine is made with the utmost care, and therefore designed without neglecting anything. 3D design offers you many guarantees in this regard.

Guaranteed compliance

Industrial machinery is an extremely complex ecosystem. Not only are there hundreds of components and they must all work in predetermined logical sequences, but together they must also meet the requirements required by the customer at the time of purchase and current regulations in terms of machine construction.

The 3D design of industrial machinery allows you to create a compliant product, because it is based on an in-depth analysis and investigation that protects you from the risk of having to stop your production due to malfunctions and unexpected events.

The feasibility study carried out by the designer will also highlight all the peculiarities of your environments and your production, so as to design a machine that is able to adapt perfectly to your working conditions, the needs of users and maintainers with excellent results in terms of efficiency and effectiveness in the medium/ long term.

Reduce the time of realization

The use of 3D design software allows you to integrate many different data related to the different components of the machinery you want to use, the mechanical and electrical design as a whole and all the sensors and the electric control actuators necessary for the automatic and full electric solutions.

In this way the designer is able to put into system all the many variables to be taken into account in the implementation of the machines.

Data integration allows you to be faster in your design, because this data is managed simultaneously and does not have to be imported, exported, converted or rebuilt from different sources. In this way, in addition to limiting the risk of errors, it also facilitates the management of changes. And if the design is speeded up with the use of the right 3D software, it is therefore possible to move first to the realization of the machinery and have it available as soon as possible.

Maximum flexibility

Are your production needs really very specific? Then you will need an even more critical approach at the design stage.

3D design allows you to more easily identify any critical aspects of the models being processed, and to customize the solutions to the maximum without risking to build a machine that does not work as it should and does not meet customer expectations.

Each emerging problem will then be analyzed in detail to find the best solution for your needs, because a 3D design software also provides all the flexibility you need to think of custom solutions.

3D design reduces costs

Do you fear that equipping yourself with a custom machine for stuffing and wrapping is an excessive investment? In fact, this is not the case, because a tailor-made solution is able to bring you back faster than the capital invested thanks to the fact that it optimizes your productivity. And if you choose a custom full electric automatic machine you can also make sure you save on the cost of energy needed for its operation, reducing consumption by up to 60% compared to a pneumatic solution.

Moreover, if you rely on a partner who designs your industrial machinery in 3D, you can minimize the risk of design errors, as we have seen above, and this will protect you from the danger of continuous downtime, sudden stop to production and unexpected maintenance.

Equipping your company with a full electric shrinkwrapper or automatic case packer can completely revolutionize your productivity and also the costs you have to bear for your energy bill. Provided, however, that the machine you choose is exactly the best for your solutions.

Do you want all these risk-free benefits? RL Automatic Industrial Systems is the only company that designs and manufactures automatic machines with electrical and non pneumatic components for the food industry. We have over thirty years of experience in the fields of automation, precision mechanics and industrial plant design and construction. We use advanced 3D design software, reducing inefficiencies and reducing construction costs.

We are so confident in the performance of our systems that we offer you the flexibility of the try&buy formula for your new machine. We personalize the commercial offer, we design and manufacture your custom machine, and you have all the time to try it to decide whether to buy it.

Want to know more?